Memories from another Africa

Rederi AB TransAtlantic of Göteborg – Sydafrika Linien – Poster

I will always admire this swedish shipping company that in 80´s suspended its maritime services between Europe and Africa due to the «Apartheid» policies of the South African government. Few companies suspend their commercial activities, for a reason of principle. The design of this poster is a tribute to this way of thinking, and to this company.

Persian Moon

MPP Cargo vessel BASRAH. Iraqi Line – Ink drawing with rOtring Isograph and markers.

The use of perspective in drawing is always a vital and necessary part of my work. Each line leads me to another line. It is a form of language.

Farewell Havana

Watercolor 2015

Miradas absortas en la cubierta. El barco está saliendo del puerto. Pero sus mentes ya no están a bordo.

Absorbed gazes on the deck. The ship is leaving the port. But their minds are not on board anymore.

Altri viaggi, altre nostalgie

Turbonavi FAIRSKY – Sitmar Line – Società Italiana Trasporti Marittimi – Affiche

La Sitmar Line (1937-1988) è stata una compagnia di navigazione con una storia molto interessante nel trasporto marittimo di passeggeri tra Europa, America e Australasia.

Otros tiempos mercantes

Vapor costero MARÍA SANTIUSTE – Acuarela y lápiz de grafito

La navegación era lenta,
ese empeño fatigado de las máquinas,
el tiempo parecía no avanzar,
la costa en el horizonte se hacía eterna,
pero siempre sucedía el milagro, o no, de llegar.